DPC logo Dugan Production Corp.
Click here to update your contact information for the public notification registry.
To locate updated information regarding scheduled workovers:
  1. Click the search button () in the interactive map below to see your location's proximity to a well. Use the and buttons to zoom in and out.
  2. Click on the blue ¼-mile radius circles to identify any planned workovers.
  3. If the search results show you are located inside one of the blue ¼-mile radius circles, yet your address does not appear when updating your contact information please contact us at regulatory@duganproduction.com or call 505-325-1821 to have your address added to the registry.

Disclaimer: Dugan Production Corp. is providing this data in order to comply with NMAC The notice shall not be used or relied on for any other purpose and Dugan Production Corp. shall not be liable for any damages, of any kind, because of the information being used for any purpose other than compliance with NMAC The dates of workover events are based on information available at the time the notice is posted and are subject to change or cancellation. Dugan Production Corp. makes every effort to ensure that the dates listed are accurate. Dugan Production Corp. will update the information in a timely manner in the event of any changes in dates or cancellations. Dugan Production Corp. shall not be liable for damages of any kind because of changes in or cancellation of the dates contained in this notice. Dugan Production Corp. is not responsible for the reliability and accuracy of this data and your use of the data is your responsibility and solely at your own risk. Dugan Production Corp. shall not be liable for damages of any kind resulting from use of this data.